October 5, 2016

It’s prep time for holiday videos!

Are you planning on creating videos for this holiday season? Now is the time to start prepping. Many of our clients are getting ready for this holiday season by producing some eye-catching videos and you should too! Here are some ideas of how you can team up with Sparkhouse this holiday season to create a video that will stand out and drive sales before 2016 comes to a close.

Product Videos

Why just tell people about your product when you can show them? Customers aren’t just buying your product — they’re buying the lifestyle of your product. Sparkhouse product videos offer the opportunity to creatively communicate to potential customers the product and lifestyle you’re selling.
Check out our product videos here.

Corporate Videos Production

Do you find it especially tricky to translate what it is that makes your company, business, product, or service so special in an entertaining and concise way? A Sparkhouse company video may be the solution.
Learn about our Corporate Video Production services.

Ecommerce Videos

Need something simple? Check out our eCommerce product videos. They combine video, graphics, and voiceover to explain each feature of your product and help close the sale at your eCommerce store. Our clients see longer website view times and increased sales from our eCommerce videos.
Check out a sample eCommerce video here

Open-Box Videos

With the holiday season right around the corner, gift buyers are researching the best products to buy. Make sure you have an open-box video that breaks down exactly what the consumer gets, how it works and how it’s superior to competitor products.
Check out a sample open-box video here